Safely Spring Back into Running

5 Tips to Safely Return to Your Running Routine this Spring

  1. Check your gear.  Shoes wear out over time.  Even if there is still tread on the sole, the cushioning may be worn out.  This will lead to increased impact on your feet, knees, hips, and back.
  2. Get a physical. If it’s been a while since you’ve been to the doctor, this is a good time to get a check up and make sure you’re fit enough to return to running.
  3. Increase mileage gradually.  The biggest mistake I see my patients make with return to any activity is ramping up too quickly.  If it’s been a while since you’ve done an activity, remember to start small and build up gradually.
  4. Set goals and a running schedule. Again, be reasonable with returning to activity.  Trying to do too much or not adding in enough recovery time can lead to injury.
  5. Fit in warm-ups and cross training.  Warming up is critical to avoid injury, especially on cold Spring mornings.  Cross training with different activities helps avoid overuse injuries.