Many patients come into our practice because they have an injury, or they've developed pain over time. Our first goal is always to get them out of pain as quickly as possible. This is accomplished with a combination of treatment, education, ergonomics training, and giving them exercises to do at home.
Once they are feeling better, most of our patients choose to continue coming in for regular treatment, or "maintenance" visits. Why is maintenance care so important? There are many reasons, but the simplest is that regular Chiropractic treatment helps you feel great! Other benefits can include improved performance, either athletically with sports or hobbies or on the job. Some patients feel like they recover better with regular treatments. Others find that they have less stress, less fatigue, and less headaches with regular treatment.
Maintenance is different for every patient. Some patients come see us for treatment every two weeks. Others can be as long as 6-8 weeks. I even have patients that come twice a year! But the majority of my patients come in for treatment about once a month. Lots of patients like to come in for a massage and then have me adjust them afterwards.
If you find that you feel great after a course of treatment following a flare up of symptoms, but after you stop coming in for treatment, your symptoms gradually return, you would probably benefit greatly from making the decision to come in for regular maintenance treatments!